The Pyramids - 3D Virtual Tour
The Pyramids virtual tours can be started by clicking the preview window or by downloading the stand-alone versions. Just drag the mouse to the direction you want to look. Use the scroll wheel to zoom at the details. Press F9 to get a list of the 3D sites you downloaded (residing in the same directory). To install the listed sites as a screensaver press F5. Our advise is to install all the sites, including The Pyramids, as a screensaver. When the screensaver starts, a random site is chosen and shown around automatically (this gives the impression of looking at a documentary in HD quality). To see the usage of other keys press F1. Press Ecs to exit.
Panorama shootings for The Pyramids were done in the year 2010. Shooting equipment was Nikon D90 digital camera, 10.5 mm fisheye lens, panoramic tripod head and a tripod. For The Pyramids more than 800 pictures were taken. The pictures that are taken for different angles are later combined using a computer to form a full 360 degree panoramic view, surrounding the viewer both horizontally and vertically.
History of The Pyramids
The Egyptian Pyramids were built as tombs for deceased Pharaohs and their consorts. For thousands of years they were the largest structures on earth. The earliest pyramid known is that of The Step Pyramid in Saqqara. It was built in the year 2650 B.C. Near the Step Pyramid there are many mastaba tombs belonging to the Pharaohs family. Unlike the rooms inside the Pyramids, their walls are richly decorated.
The best known pyramids are undoubtedly the ones at Giza. The largest of them is The Great Pyramid of Keops that was built around 2589 B.C. It is 145.75 meters high. It is also the only remaining “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World”.
The Pyramid of Khafre (143.5 meters high) is believed to be built by Mycerinus, the son of Khafre. The Pyramid of Mycerinus that Mycerinus started building for himself is finished by his son Shepseskaf.
The Bent Pyramid in Dahshur is considered the first ‘real’ pyramid. It's limestone outer casing is largely in tact. Pharaoh Sneferu, who wasn't very happy with the Bent Pyramid, ordered the building of The Red Pyramid to the North.
Sun Boat Museum
In 1954 a real sized old Egyptian boat was found in a pit near the Great Pyramid. It took 14 years to put together the 1200 peaces using old materials like wooden nails and ropes of grass.
We would like to thank Mr. Mohamed Abdel Fatah, Mr. Ibrahim Ahmed Hussein and their family and friends for their support during our stay in Egypt.